Vital Statistics

Vital Statistics is open to the general public
Marriage application will be by appointment only
To make an appointment: 201-392-2050
Vital Statistics service window hours of operation: Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Appointments for Marriage Applications: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Vital Statistics and Registration, a part of the Health Department, issues birth, marriage, and death records. They are also responsible for maintaining the records for birth, marriage, and death records that occurred within the Township of North Bergen and issuing copies.
- Marriage Certificate
Records available from January, 1928 - Present - Domestic Partnership
Records available from 2004 - present. - Birth Certificates
Records available from September, 1979 - Present - Death Certificates
Records available from August, 1927 - Present
If you are looking for documents prior to where ours begin, please contact Trenton at (609) 292 -4087
- Marriage License: $28.00
- Marriage Certificate: $10.00
- Domestic Partnership License: $28.00
- Domestic Partnership Certificate: $10.00
- Birth Certificate: $10.00
- Death Certificate: $10.00
- Civil Union License: $28.00
- Civil Union Certificate: $10.00
- Corrections to any document: $25.00
Only Money Orders or Credit / Debit Cards accepted.
No cash / No checks.
Marriage License / Application Hours:
Mon-Fri: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Last application will be taken at 3:00 p.m.
NOTE: The marriage license application expires in 30 DAYS from the date of application.
There is a 3 day waiting period once the marriage license is issued.
Birth, Death, Marriage Certificate Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Last walk in will be taken at 3:30 p.m.
Birth certificate corrections are done for Palisade Medical Center ONLY in this office.
Marriage corrections are done ONLY if the event took place in North Bergen.
Call (201) 392-2050 for more information. Most corrections require appointments.
Only US Government ID's accepted.
Picture ID needed:
Driver's License (not expired)
Passport (not expired)
To Obtain a Certificate of Marriage in person:
Original certificates can be obtained by the husband or wife at the Vital Registrar’s Office. If you are unable to pick up the document in person, you may send a messenger with a notarized letter detailing all the wedding information, including a photocopy ID of the bride or groom along with their signature. The messenger must also show a picture ID.
To Obtain a Marriage Certificate by mail
Only marriages performed within the Township are recorded in North Bergen.
Please send your request with the names of the husband and wife, date of marriage, photocopy of valid identification (passport, driver’s license, etc.), a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a money order. Send to:
Township of North Bergen,
1116 43rd Street, 2nd Floor
North Bergen, NJ 07047
Only Money Orders accepted by mail.
Make Money Orders payable to Township of North Bergen
No cash / No checks.
To Obtain a Birth Certificate in person:
Parents must show their valid picture ID, provide the child’s name and date of birth along with the $10.00 money order to the Registrar's office. Birth certificates are only issued to parents of the child.
Only Money Orders or Credit / Debit Cards accepted.
No cash / No checks / No American Express cards.
Make money orders payable to the Township of North Bergen.
If the parents are unable to pick up the document in person, a messenger with a notarized letter detailing all the birth information and a photocopy of valid ID. The messenger must also show a picture ID.
To Obtain a Birth Certificate by mail
Only children born in Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen are registered in the Vital Statistics Office.
Please send your request with the name of the child, date of birth, a photocopy of valid identification for the parent, a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a money order of $10.00 to:
Vital Statistics
1116 43rd Street, 2nd Floor
North Bergen, NJ 07047
Only Money Orders accepted by mail.
No cash / No checks.
To Obtain a Death Certificate in person or by mail:
Death certificates are recorded in Vital Statistics for all persons who died in North Bergen. Only a relative of the deceased can obtain a death certificate (mother, father, children, or individual with a court order). $10.00 money order.
You must provide the name of the deceased, date of death, picture ID of individual requesting the information, a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a $10.00 money order payable to: Township of North Bergen
Township of North Bergen
1116 43rd Street, 2nd Floor
North Bergen, NJ 07047
Only Money Orders accepted by mail.
Credit / Debit Cards and Money Orders accepted in person.
No cash / No checks
To obtain a death certificate for your son or daughter:
The mother or father must provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate
To obtain a death certificate for your mother or father:
The son or daughter must provide their birth certificate with their parents name on it
To obtain a death certificate for your husband or wife:
Either person must provide their marriage certificate
Questions? Visit The North Bergen Help Desk