Rent Control

The Rent Control office assists landlords and tenants in understanding the North Bergen Rent Control Ordinance and how it may impact their properties. Assistance is provided on a variety of rental issues such as: which apartments are subject to local rent control laws; what is the legal base rent; what rent increases the law permits; capital improvement surcharges; hardship increases and annual registration requirements. Files on residential properties are maintained for public inspection if owners and/or tenants have questions regarding a particular property.
If you would like to file a complaint with the Rent Leveling Board you must come to our office and pick up the designated forms. Application Fee $10
Rental Unit Preservation Allowance (R.U.P.A)
Any renovation done to occupied or non-occupied units must be processed through the Rent Control Office. Inspections must be done before and after any renovations. Applications are available on our office. Application Fee $100
Certificate of Exemption (C.O.E)
Any landlord that owns a Rent Control building and intends to rent to a Section 8 tenant must complete and submit a C.O.E. Application Fee $100.
Rent Control Forms
- Registration Application
- Hardship Application
- Landlord Appeal for Capital Improvement or Service Surcharge
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